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- External DEC VT-340 emulator used by LR-Comm and clones..(-:
- VT340 Keys Amiga Keys
- ---------- ----------
- Arrow keys Arrow keys
- PF1 Numpad [ on Amiga 500/2000
- PF2 Numpad ] on Amiga 500/2000
- PF3 Numpad / on Amiga 500/2000
- PF4 Numpad * on Amiga 500/2000
- F1 (Hold Screen) F1
- F2 (Print Screen) F2
- CTRL F2 (Auto Print) CTRL F2
- ALT F2 (Print Controlled) ALT F2
- F3 (Set Up) F3
- F4 (Data/Talk) F4
- F5 (Send Break) F5
- CTRL F5 (Send Answer) CTRL F5
- SHIFT F5 (Disconnect) SHIFT F5
- /****************** Amiga only ******************/
- not available F8 mark edge - linear mode.
- not available ALT F8 mark edge - columnar mode.
- not available SHIFT F8 mark single word.
- not available F9 copy marked area to clipboard.
- not available SHIFT F9 copy marked area to clip and
- feed the contents immediately
- into the terminal input-stream.
- not available F10 paste the clipboars contents,
- ie feed the contents into
- the terminal input-stream.
- (the user can select the clipboard-unit in
- the Set-Up Window. The unit is preset to 0.)
- /****************** Amiga only ******************/
- F6 - F20 F6 - F20 on all Amigas
- HELP Help on all Amigas
- DO Shifted-Help on all Amigas
- FIND Shifted-Numpad 7 on all Amigas
- INSERT Shifted-Numpad 8 on all Amigas
- REMOVE Shifted-Numpad 9 on all Amigas
- SELECT Shifted-Numpad 4 on all Amigas
- PREV SCREEN Shifted-Numpad 5 on all Amigas
- NEXT SCREEN Shifted-Numpad 6 on all Amigas
- => Shifted-Numpad 1 - 3 are trapped (on all Amigas..:-) <=
- Control codes in C0 (no high bit) area
- --------------------------------------
- unsupported features are marked by an asterisk (*):
- ignored features are marked by an exclamation-mark (!):
- name hex key operation
- ENQ 05 ^E Send answerback message
- BEL 07 ^G Audial or visual beep
- BS 08 ^H Backspace, move cursor left one character
- HT 09 ^I Horizontal tab, move cursor to next tabstop
- LF 0a ^J Linefeed, move cursor down one line
- VT 0b ^K Vertical Tab, treated as a line feed
- FF 0c ^L Formfeed, treated as a line feed
- CR 0d ^M Carriage return, move cursor to col 1
- SO/LS1 0e ^N Map character set in G1 to GL, locking shift
- SI/LS0 0f ^O Map character set in G0 to GL, locking shift
- ! DC1 11 ^Q XON flow control, resume communication
- ! DC3 13 ^S XOFF flow control, suspend communication
- CAN 18 ^X Cancel escape & control sequence in progress
- SUB 1a ^Z Treated as a CAN
- ESC 1b ^[ Escape, start escape seq, cancel any others
- All others are ignored
- Control codes in C1 (high bit set) area.
- ----------------------------------------
- These are replaced by ESC <code - 40h> in a 7-bit environment, or when
- Controls is set to 7-bit output.
- unsupported features are marked by an asterisk (*):
- ignored features are marked by an exclamation-mark (!):
- name 8-bit 7-bit operation
- IND 84 ESC D Index, move cursor down one line, scrolls
- NEL 85 ESC E Next line, like CR/LF, scrolls
- HTS 88 ESC H Set Horizontal Tab at cursor's column
- RI 8d ESC M Reverse index, move cursor up one line,scrolls
- SS2 8e ESC N Map G2 to GL for next char only, single shift
- SS3 8f ESC O Map G3 to GL for next char only, single shift
- DCS 90 ESC P Device Control String introducer
- consume through ST CAN SUB ESC
- CSI 9b ESC [ Control Sequence Introducer
- ST 9c ESC \ String Terminator
- OSC 9d ESC ] Operating System Command, consume through ST
- PM 9e ESC ^ Privacy Message, consume through ST
- APC 9f ESC _ Applications Prog Command, consume through ST
- All others are ignored
- 7-Bit escape sequences:
- -----------------------
- unsupported features are marked by an asterisk (*):
- ESC-Seq Mnemonic Description of Action
- * ESC ^L Enter Tektronix sub-mode, clear Tek screen.
- ESC 7 DECSC Save cursor position, attributes, contents of
- char sets used as GL and GR, wrap flag,
- origin mode (DECOM), SS2/SS2 shifts.
- ESC 8 DECRC Restore cursor from previously saved position
- and information listed for DECSC
- ESC # 3 DECDHL Double height and width line, top half
- ESC # 4 DECDHL Double height and width line, bottom half
- ESC # 5 DECSWL Single height and width line
- ESC # 6 DECDWL Double width single height line
- ESC # 8 DECALN Screen alignment test, fill screen with E's
- ESC ( <ident> SCS Designates 94 byte character set <ident> to G0
- ESC ) <ident> SCS Designates 94 byte character set <ident> to G1
- ESC * <ident> SCS Designates 94 byte character set <ident> to G2
- ESC + <ident> SCS Designates 94 byte character set <ident> to G3
- * ESC - <ident> SCS Designates 96 byte character set <ident> to G1
- * ESC . <ident> SCS Designates 96 byte character set <ident> to G2
- * ESC / <ident> SCS Designates 96 byte character set <ident> to G3
- <ident> size character set
- A 96 ISO Latin-1 (default in G2, G3)
- B 94 ASCII (default in G0, G1)
- 0 94 DEC Special Graphics (line drawing)
- * 1 94/96 Kermit, ALT-ROM
- 2 94 DEC Special Graphics (line drawing)
- %5 94 DEC Supplemental Graphics
- < 94/96 User Preferred Supplemental Set
- > 94 DEC Technical set (from VT340's)
- ESC < Exit VT52 mode (to previous ANSI kind/VT320)
- ESC = DECKPAM Enter numeric keypad application mode
- ESC > DECKNPNM Enter numeric keypad numeric mode
- ESC D IND Index, moves cursor down one line, can scroll
- ESC E NEL Move cursor to start of line below, can scroll
- ESC sp F S7C1T Disable output of 8-bit controls, use 7-bit
- ESC sp G S8C1T Enable output of 8-bit control codes
- ESC H HTS Set one horizontal tab at current position
- ESC M RI Reverse Index, cursor up one line, can scroll
- ESC N SS2 Single Shift 2, map G2 to GL for next char only
- ESC O SS3 Single Shift 3, map G3 to GL for next char only
- ESC P DCS Start Device Control String command (see below)
- ESC Z DECID Identify terminal.
- Response: CSI ? 63; 1; 2; 8; 9 c
- ESC \ ST String Terminator of Device Control Strings
- ESC ] OSC Operating System Command, ignored through ST
- ESC ^ PM Privacy Message, ignored through ST
- ESC _ APC Applications Program Command, ignored thru ST
- ESC c RIS Reset terminal to initial state, hard reset
- ESC n LS2 Map character set in G2 to GL, locking shift
- ESC o LS3 Map character set in G3 to GL, locking shift
- ESC | LS3R Map character set in G3 to GR, locking shift
- ESC } LS2R Map character set in G2 to GR, locking shift
- ESC ~ LS1R Map character set in G1 to GR, locking shift
- ESC [ CSI Control Sequence Introducer, see list below
- Control Sequences:
- ------------------
- unsupported features are marked by an asterisk (*):
- ignored features are marked by an exclamation-mark (!):
- CSI-Seq Mnemonic Description of Action
- CSI Pn @ ICH Insert Pn spaces at and after cursor
- CSI Pn A CUU Cursor up Pn lines, does not scroll
- CSI Pn B CUD Cursor down Pn lines, does not scroll
- CSI Pn C CUF Cursor forward, stays on same line
- CSI Pn D CUB Cursor backward, stays on same line
- CSI Pn E CNL Next-line (same as cr/lf), do Pn times
- CSI Pn F CPL Previous-line (reverse index), do Pn times
- CSI Pr; Pc H CUP Set cursor to row, column
- CSI Ps J ED Erase in display:
- 0 = cursor to end of screen, inclusive
- 1 = start of screen to cursor, inclusive
- 2 = entire screen, reset lines to single
- width, cursor does not move.
- CSI ? Ps J DECSED Selective erase in display:
- 0 = cursor to end of screen, inclusive
- 1 = start of screen to cursor, inclusive
- 2 = entire screen, cursor does not move.
- CSI Ps K EL Erase in line:
- 0 = cursor to end of line, inclusive
- 1 = start of line to cursor, inclusive
- 2 = entire line, cursor does not move
- CSI ? Ps K DECSEL Selective erase in line:
- 0 = cursor to end of line, inclusive
- 1 = start of line to cursor, inclusive
- 2 = entire line, cursor does not move
- CSI Pn L IL Insert Pn lines preceding current line.
- CSI Pn M DL Delete Pn lines from current downward, incl.
- CSI Pn P DCH Delete Pn chars from cursor to left, incl.
- CSI Pn; Pn R CPR Cursor report (row, column), sent by terminal
- Example: home position yields CSI 1; 1 R
- CSI Pn X ECH Erase Pn chars at and to right of cursor
- CSI Pn c DA Device Attributes request, see reports
- CSI > Pn c DA Secondary Device Attributes req, see reports
- CSI Pr; Pc f HVP Set cursor to row, column
- CSI Ps g TBC Tabs clear, Ps: 0 = at this position, 3 = all
- CSI Pa;...Pa h SM Set ANSI mode, see table below
- CSI Pa;...Pa l RM Reset ANSI mode, see table below
- Pa Mnemonic Mode Set (h) Reset (l)
- * 2 KAM Keyboard locked unlocked
- * 3 CRM Control rep act upon debug display
- 4 IRM Insert insert replace
- * 10 HEM Horz editing n/a always reset
- * 12 SRM Local echo off on
- 20 LNM New Line lf=>cr/lf cr=>cr
- CSI ? Ps;Ps h SM Set DEC mode, see table below
- CSI ? Ps;Ps l RM Reset DEC mode, see table below
- Ps Mnemonic Mode Set (h) Reset (l)
- 0 ignored
- 1 DECCKM cursor keys application cursor/numeric
- 2 DECANM ANSI VT320/VT102 VT52
- * 3 DECCOLM Columns 132 col 80 col
- 4 DECSCLM Scrolling smooth jump
- * 5 DECSCNM Screen reverse video normal
- 6 DECOM Origin use margins ignore margins
- 7 DECAWM Autowrap on off
- * 8 DECARM Autorepeat on off
- * 9 DECINLM Interlace on off
- 18 DECPFF Printer term Form Feed none
- 19 DECPEX Printer extent screen scrolling region
- 25 DECTCEM Cursor visible invisible
- * 34 n/a Invoke macro: TERMINALS TERMINALR
- * 38 n/a Graphics (Tek) graphics text
- * 42 DECNRCM Nat Repl Char enable disable
- 66 DECNKM Numeric keypad application numeric
- * 68 DECKBUM Typewriter data process typewriter
- CSI Ps;Ps m SGR Select graphic rendition
- Ps
- 0 all attributes off (#'s 1, 4, 5, 7)
- 1 bold, intensify foreground
- 4 underscore
- * 5 blink
- 7 reverse video, per character
- 22 bold off
- 24 underline off
- * 25 blinking off
- 27 reverse video off
- when in color-mode:
- 30-37 = foreground color = 30 + colors
- 40-47 = background color = 40 + colors
- CSI Ps n DSR Device Status request, see reports
- CSI ! p DECSTR Reset of terminal
- CSI Pa $ p DECRQM Report ANSI mode settings, see reports
- CSI ? Pd $ p DECRQM Report DEC mode settings, see reports
- CSI Pl; Pc " p DECSCL Set conformance level (set terminal type)
- Pl Pc level selected
- 62 0 or 2 VT320, 8-bit controls (62 is otherwise VT200 level)
- 62 1 VT320, 7-bit controls
- 63 0 or 2 VT320, 8-bit controls (63 is otherwise VT300 level)
- 63 1 VT320, 7-bit controls
- CSI Ps;Ps q DECLL Load LEDs, Ps = 0 means clear LED #1-4. VT102
- CSI Ps " q DECSCA Select Character Protection Attribute
- Ps = 0 erasable by DECSED or DECSEL
- Ps = 1 not erasable by these cmds.
- CSI Pt; Pb r DECSTBM Set top and bottom scrolling margins, resp.
- CSI r resets margin to full screen.
- CSI Ps $ u DECRQTSR Terminal State request, see reports
- CSI & u DECRQUPSS User Preferred char set request, see reports
- CSI Ps $ w DECRQPSR Presentation State request, see reports
- * CSI sol x DECREQTPARM Request terminal parameters, see reports
- * CSI 4; Ps;Ps y DECTST VT320 Confidence tests, exits status line
- CSI Ps $ } DECSASD Select active status display
- CSI Ps $ ~ DECSSDT Select Status Line Type
- VT320 Report requests and responses
- -----------------------------------
- unsupported features are marked by an asterisk (*):
- ignored features are marked by an exclamation-mark (!):
- Request CSI c primary device attributes (terminal ident)
- Response CSI ? 62; 1; 2; 6; 7; 8; 9 c
- Request CSI > c secondary device attributes
- Response CSI > 24; 1; 10; 0 c
- Request CSI 5 n operating status
- Response CSI 0 n no malfunction
- Request CSI 6 n cursor position report
- Response CSI Pr; Pc R Pr = row, Pc = column.
- Request CSI ? 15 n printer status
- Response CSI ? 11 n printer is not ready
- Request CSI ? 25 n User Definable Key status
- Response CSI ? 21 n UDKs are locked
- Request CSI ? 26 n keyboard dialect
- Response CSI ? 27; 0 n
- Request CSI 1 $ u terminal state
- * Request DCS Ps $ p str ST terminal restore state
- Request CSI & u what is the User Preferred Supplemental Set
- Response DCS 1 ! u A ST ISO Latin-1
- Response DCS 0 ! u %5 ST DEC Supplemental Graphics
- Request CSI 1 $ w cursor information report
- Request CSI 2 $ w tab stop report
- * Request DSC Ps $ t str ST restore presentation state
- Request CSI Pa $ p ask state of ANSI mode controls
- Response CSI Pa; Ps $ y pa = mode ps 0; 1; 2 (ukn; set; reset)
- Request CSI ? Pd $ p state of DEC modes
- Response CSI ? Pd; Ps $ y pd = mode ps 0; 1; 2 (ukn; set; reset)
- * Request DCS $ q str ST control function setting
- * Request DCS Ps ! u str ST assign User Preferred Supplemnental Set
- * Request DCS Ps; Ps { str ST download or clear soft characters